![]() Represents the interests of the Florida College System Trustees. WHAT WE DOThe Trustees Commission promotes and enhances the college system of the State of Florida by serving as a liaison with the general membership of the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC), and by providing trustees within the Florida College System with education opportunities with regard to their duties and responsibilities, by keeping such trustees informed about matters of concern to all of the colleges, and by providing a forum for such trustees to discuss the issues common to the college system.COMMISSION RESOURCES:BYLAWSRecognizing the need to establish procedures and guidelines as they reflect the rights, responsibilities, and objectives of its membership, the Trustees Commission hereby adopts these Bylaws: ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA COLLEGES BYLAWS of the TRUSTEES COMMISSION
ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be the Trustees Commission of the Association of Florida Colleges. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and enhance the community college system of the State of Florida by serving in a liaison capacity with the State Board of Education, by serving as liaison with the general membership of the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC), and by providing trustees within the community college system with education opportunities with regard to their duties and responsibilities, by keeping such trustees informed about matters of concern to all of the community colleges, and by providing a forum for such trustees to discuss the issues common to the community college system. ARTICLE III: MEMBERS Each duly commissioned trustee of a public community college of the State of Florida is a member in good standing of the Association of Florida Colleges and a member of the Trustees Commission. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS SECTION 1 The officers shall consist of a chair, chair-elect, secretary, legislative liaison, and the immediate past chair. SECTION 2 The chair shall serve for a one-year term and shall be succeeded in office at the completion of the said term by the chair-elect. The chair-elect shall be elected for a one-year term to this office at the annual meeting of the Trustees Commission. All other officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Trustees Commission for a one-year term. No officer may serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. SECTION 3 Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Trustees Commission at the AFC annual convention and shall assume office on July 1st following the annual convention, and serve until June 30 of the following year. SECTION 4 The chair shall appoint a nominating committee to present nominees to the membership for the offices subject to election at the annual meeting. There may be nominations from the floor. SECTION 5 If a vacancy should occur in the office of chair, the chair-elect shall assume the office of the chair. If vacancies should occur in the offices of both the chair and the chair-elect, the immediate past chair shall assume the office of a chair until the next regularly scheduled odd number year annual meeting election. All other vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board (as defined in Section 6 below) and shall serve until the next annual meeting of the Trustees Commission. SECTION 6 Duties of Officers: a. Chair 1) The chairman shall preside at all Commission and Executive Board meetings. 2) The chairman shall serve as a liaison with the State Board of Education and with the Council of Presidents. b. Chair-elect 1) The chairman-elect shall act in the absence of the chairman or as directed. c. Immediate Past Chair Past Chair 1) The immediate past chair shall conduct duties as assigned by the Chair and assure a smooth transition of commission leadership annually. d. Secretary 1) The secretary shall record minutes of the Commission meetings and work with the AFC CEO to maintain accurate records. e. Legislative Liaison 1) The legislative liaison shall act as a liaison with the Executive Board, the AFC lobbyists, the Council of Presidents, and the Advocacy and Governmental Relations Committee relating to the Florida College System. ARTICLE V: EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board shall consist of the chairman, chairman-elect, secretary, legislative liaison, and immediate past chairman, and shall act for the membership between annual and special meetings. The chairman shall appoint, with confirmation by the Executive Board, no less than 5 or more than 10 members-at-large who will serve in an ex-officio, advisory capacity to the Executive Board. These at-large members shall constitute the Advocacy and Governmental Relations Committee. ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS SECTION 1 There shall be an annual meeting of the Trustees Commission, which may be held at or near the same time as the annual meeting of the Association of Florida Colleges. SECTION 2 The Trustees Commission shall meet jointly with the Council of Presidents at least annually to discuss legislative and other matters of mutual concern. SECTION 3 Each community college trustee in attendance shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings of the Trustees Commission. SECTION 4 Special meetings of the Commission may be called at the discretion of the chairman of the Trustees Commission or by the written request of at least fifteen chairmen of the District Boards of Trustees. SECTION 5 Representation of eight community colleges at any meeting shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 6 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Commission in all cases to which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that the Commission may adopt. ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES The chairman is authorized to establish committees, at his or her discretion, to carry out the purposes of the commission. ARTICLE VIII: AWARDS The chairman is authorized to establish a committee for the purpose of selecting the recipient of the Trustees Commission Trustee of the Year award and to make the award annually at the annual meeting of the Trustees Commission. ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENTS These bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting or at a special meeting by a majority of voting members provided the proposed change(s) have been submitted in written form to the Executive Board at least thirty days prior to the meeting. ARTICLE X: ANTI-CONFLICT PROVISION Nothing contained herein shall be construed in such manner as to conflict with the bylaws of the Association of Florida Colleges. Amended: November, 1993; October, 1995; November, 1996; November, 1998; October, 2003; November 2009; November 2010; November 2016
AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONIn recognition of the tremendous contribution made by college trustees in meeting the needs of their college and community, the AFC Trustees Commission recognizes one exemplary trustee annually. The AFC Trustees Commission call for nominations is posted in the Fall of each year. ANNOUNCEMENTS